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dumortieritt - dumortierite


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støtter dine mentale evner til å overkomme vanskelig situasjoner, åpner tredje øye for å øke mental og emosjonell intelligens, støtter læringsprosesser og hukommelse, styrker klarsynte evner

chakra: tredje øye

NB! Krystallene er naturlig, bildene er for ilustrasjon, størrelse, fasong og møster varierer. Bildet med krystaller i hånden er bildet av de vi faktisk har inne pr i dag

NB! Poser til dine krystaller finner du her : Krystall poser og utstyr og bøker om krystaller finner du her: Krystallbøker

Tumbled Dumortierite - Blue Dumortierite — Tumbled  Dumortierite in a wonderful shade of blue and is mined in Africa.  Usually found in deposits near water, Blue Dumortierite was once called "Petrified Water" by some of its discoverers.  The variety of blue color in Blue Dumortierite can come from manganese, iron, and/or zinc inclusions.

Blue Dumortierite brings a feeling of relaxation, calm and harmony, and can be used to reduce stress-related conditions like headaches and tension.   Stamina is increased by Blue Dumortierite, and the stone can help make unpleasant, monotonous tasks easier to bare.

Dumortierite offers soothing vibrations that encourage patience with the natural order of the Universe.  This action can help one to remain in a state of allowing, accepting that the process of manifestation may work more slowly at times.  Dumortierite also promotes an understanding of karma and forgiveness, especially self-forgiveness. A good Throat Chakra stone, Blue Dumortierite makes spiritual ideas easier to express, and also encourages the user to speak up for him/herself. 

Dumortierite enhances organizational abilities, self-discipline and orderliness.  Dumortierite can be used to reduce excitability (especially in children), eliminate stubbornness, and increase patience.

Carry or wear Blue Dumortierite to feel calm and at ease in any situation.


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