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agat - aprikos - karneol agat M


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Agat - aprikos – Apricot Agate - Karneol Agat M


agat, aprikos     

balanserer yin og yang energier, roer sin-net og gir velfølelse, motvirker fortvilelse når man møter problemer utenfor egen kontroll, styrker immunforsvar og båndet mellom foreldre og barn, bra for gravide

Chakra: hjerte


NB! Krystallene er naturlig, bildene er for ilustrasjon, størrelse, fasong og møster varierer. Bildet med mynt er bildet av de vi faktisk har inne pr i dag

NB! Poser til dine krystaller finner du her : Krystall poser og utstyr og bøker om krystaller finner du her: Krystallbøker


The Healing and Metaphysical Properties of Apricot Agate

This colour agate works well with children and has become associated with protection of the young and vulnerable. It is believed to bring calmness of mind and relieve distress. When outside influences become to chaotic, hold this beautiful stone and let the colour vibration and energy seep into your aura and calm you. Great for teenage children when hormones are racing around their bodies and common sense from the higher chakras are hard to listen too.

Apricot Agate is a soft energy stone that helps strengthn the bond between parent and child. It balances masculine and feminine energies and is a strong energy stone. It is one of the oldest healing stones and can be used as a protective stone.

Peach Agate is also Botswana Agate with beautiful bands of color that range from white to peach to orange. In addition to the properties that all Agates carry, such as self-acceptance, healing, and transformation, this Peach-colored variety of Botswana Agate helps heal and balance the Sacral Chakra. It has a gentle, nurturing energy that can quietly boost your creativity and help initiate transformation in your life.

Specifically, Botswana Agate can help those who have repressed emotional issues that need to be addressed. By doing so, these repressed emotions will be released and healing can occur. Botswana Agate helps to look for the solution to a problem, rather than dwelling on it. It has a soothing and gentle energy which makes it a wonderful tool to use when feeling depressed or anxious.

Agate is formed with bands of microscopic quartz crystals.  It is both a grounding and spiritual stone, allowing for one to bring their spiritual experiences into their everyday reality. Agate is also helpful in overcoming negative emotions by bringing love into the chakras.  Although they work very slowly and deliberately, this gentle nature of Agate helps them to have a lasting impact. They carry a quiet energy that works on the subtle bodies and are great for achieving stability and balance in many aspects of one's life. Agates tend to work behind the scenes on the cause, instead of the symptom, of an issue.


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