Mystic Dreamer AS
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ametyst - båndet L

60,- 70,-

Tilbudet slutter 29.09.2024

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ametyst - båndet L


ametyst, båndet
hovedoppgave å hjelpe soulmates finne og forstå hverandre, åpne for intuisjon sårhelende, avstressende, ellers som ametyst


chakra: tredje øye, krone



NB! Krystallene er naturlig, bildene er for ilustrasjon, størrelse, fasong og møster varierer. Bildet med mynt er bildet av de vi faktisk har inne pr i dag


NB! Poser til dine krystaller finner du her : Krystall poser og utstyr og bøker om krystaller finner du her: Krystallbøker


Tumbled Chevron Amethyst (Banded Amethyst) — This tumbled Chevron Amethyst (sometimes called Banded Amethyst) is a combination of Amethyst and white quartz, mixed together in a striped, chevron pattern.  Chevron Amethyst combines the strengthening and enhancing qualities of quartz with the stress relieving qualities of Amethyst.

Chevron Amethyst is one of the best stones to work with the Third-Eye, enhancing both intuition and physical vision on all planes of existence.  You can use Chevron Amethyst to cleanse the aura and subtle bodies, to promote spiritual healing, and to enhance one's psychic abilities.  Excellent for all types of introspective work, Chevron Amethyst can deepen the meditative state, allowing one's higher guidance to communicate.

Use Tumbled Chevron Amethyst to help remove resistance to change, and to dissipate and repel negativity of all kinds.  Chevron Amethyst creates a strong healing field around the user, and as such is a good choice to speed up physical healing and stimulate the immune system.


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