Mystic Dreamer AS
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Anheng Smaragd Rå


Anheng Smaragd Rå

Emerald rough gemstone pendant -- ±2.5cm

Smaragd er vakkert grønn. Emerald er en fantastisk, fredelig stein som bringer harmoni til kropp og sinn, og til følelsene våre. Egypterne og andre kulturer var allerede kjent med de beskyttende effektene av smaragd på synet.**
Dette er et naturprodukt, så farge, form og størrelse kan variere og avvike fra bildet som vises.

Fra Brasil
Med boret, limt metalløyle.*
Kommer uten snor:
*Dette produktet er nikkel-, bly- og kadmiumfritt; betyr derfor at slike elementer ikke er tilstede eller i de begrensede mengdene som er tillatt innenfor de europeiske produktsikkerhetsstandardene (REACH).

** Egenskapene til alle mineralsteiner på nettstedet vårt er ikke vitenskapelig bevist; de er basert på erfaringer fra brukere og edelstensterapeuter. Eventuelle helbredende egenskaper som er skissert er på ingen måte ment å erstatte diagnose eller behandling av en kvalifisert terapeut eller lege. Hvis du er i tvil om helsen din, kontakt en lege.


Emerald is beautifully green. Emerald is a splendid, peaceful stone, that brings harmony to body and mind, and to our feelings. The Egyptians and other cultures were already acquainted with the protective effects of emerald on eyesight.**
This is a natural product so colour, shape and size may vary and differ from the picture shown.

With drilled glued metal eyelet.*
Comes without cord:
*This product is nickel, lead and cadmium free; meaning therefore that such elements are not present or in the limited quantities allowed within the European product safety standards (REACH).

**The characteristics of all mineral stones on our website are not scientifically proven; they are based on experiences of users and gemstone therapists. Any healing properties outlined are in no way meant to replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician. If in doubt about your health, consult a physician.


NB! bildet er eksempel, anhengene vil variere litt i størrelse, farger og mønster

Venussten, styrker kjærligheten, fremmer et balansert forhold, bygger opp ubetinget kjærlighet, fremmer vennskap og partnerskap, overflodssten, gir håp, healingsten, inspirerer og revitaliserer

chakra: hjerte


Tumbled Emerald  — This Tumbled Emerald is a nice green color with swirls of gray, black, and white.  Emerald is a form of Green Beryl.  Use Tumbled Emerald to bring love, loyalty, unity, and wisdom to your life.  

Emerald  is associated with the Heart Chakra and with blissful love.  In groups of two or more people, Emerald can encourage bonding, and strengthen communication and understanding, helping each person to adequately express themselves without offending others. 

Emerald is believed to enhance memory and mental clarity.  Meditating with Emerald can help one to connect to Divine Love, open the heart to accept all things in life as gifts, and acquire the ability to discern when others are speaking the truth or not.   Emerald can help to open one up to psychic abilities, and enhance one's ability to notice and manage synchronicity. 

Emerald is often used to attract prosperity to the owner, strengthening the courage to follow your heart's wisdom to its logical outcome, and allowing for the amplification of hope and encouragement.  It can also be used to alert one of any blocks to progress, so they can be addressed and released.  Emerald can help you clarify and strengthen your intention for a positive outcome.  Emerald can help maintain faith in the knowledge of Divine perfection.  Emerald reminds one that the Universe will always provide. 

Physically, Emerald channels the Green Ray, making it a superb healing crystal.  Emerald is a great stone for recovery and specifically works on conditions of the heart, liver, lungs, and spine.  Historically, Emerald was known as an antidote to poisons. 


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