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Anheng Tree of Life Pendant Labradorite Silver Plated


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Anheng Tree of Life Pendant Labradorite Silver Plated

Tree of life - Life and growth 
In a nutshell, this symbol represents life itself. When portrayed as a tree, the branches reach high towards the sky and the roots are buried firmly in Mother Earth. 

The idea of the Tree of Life features in many beliefs and is relevant to a variety of faiths. It appeared in the Kabbalah, the ancient Jewish mystical tradition, is used by pagans and wiccans, and was also mentioned in the Bible. 

Having this symbol in the home, or wearing it in jewellery, can symbolise a connection with, and celebration of, life. 


fremmer intuisjon, magiske og psykiske evner, stimulerer fantasien og evnen til å se gjennom illusjoner, tiltrekker lykketreff og synkronisiteter, beskytter og renser auraen din, forhindrer energilekasjer

Chakra: tredje øye og krone

Labradorite - Protective, spiritual purpose 
Labradorite has a slight iridescence on the surface, which occasionally flames in patches of peacock blue and light copper. This luminescence reminds us of distant worlds and galaxies, and so links us to the stars and reminds us that everything that happens in life has a reason. Labradorite helps give form to our intuition, so can be useful to writers and teachers who are expressing ideas in verbal form. It helps us to enjoy the good times, because nothing lasts forever, and to take hope when times are hard, because it is only a matter of time before things take a turn for the better again.
Labradorite is an iridescent Feldspar mineral first found in Labrador Canada. Valued for its lustrous metallic reflections that are said to resemble a butterfly's wing this play of colour or shiller is aptly know as labradorescence .
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