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aqua aura - regnbue - engelkvarts - rå


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aqua aura - regnbue - engelkvarts - rå 

rainbow-angel aura quartz


Ängelkvarts eller angel aura quartz är en bergkristall placerad i en vakuumkammare och behandlad i extremt höga temperaturer med förångade metaller som platina, guld och silver. Det exakta receptet är hemligt. Metallatomerna reagerar och förenas med bergkristallens atomer. Det går inte att skrapa bort det vackert glänsande ytskiktet. Ängelkvarts sägs rena och stärka alla chakra och föra in lätthet och glädje i ditt liv. Du kan "kamma" din aura med denna kristall för att öka närvaron till din egen andliga energi och känna att det finns ett himmelskt eller gudomligt stöd för dig att vara den du är.


aqua aura angelquarts m/sølv & platinum, renser auraen, gir ro og fred, oppløftende, støtter dypere og høyere meditasjon, kontakt og kom-munikasjon med engler, spirituelle guider og andre lærere, øker spirituelle evner

Chakra: hals, tredje øye og krone



Communication, Meditation, Enhances HealingPrimary Chakras: Heart, Third Eye, Crown, Higher Crown
Astrological Signs: All


Rainbow Aura is a fantastic metaphysical stone and the vibration is simply amazing!  

Rainbow Aura is created when Clear Quartz crystals are super-heated in a vacuum and infused with vaporized Silver & Platinum. These precious metals condense onto the surface of the quartz crystal to form a permanent bond with the lattice of the quartz. By combining the vibrations of Quartz with Silver and Platinum, a synthesis of unique vibrations is created. Rainbow Aura is wonderful for meditation and healing work.

Rainbow Aura Quartz cleanses the aura and can facilitate deeper and higher levels of meditation. A peaceful and tranquil stone, Rainbow Aura Quartz is useful for communication with Angels, Spirit Guides, and other Teachers.

Having such a fine vibration, Rainbow Aura Crystals also allow the user to clear away negativity that has previously been resistant, and helps to gently raise energy levels in those who are feeling depleted. Meditating with Rainbow Aura Quartz can be beneficial for those who are going through stressful or otherwise negative situations.

Editors Note: We feel that lab enhanced stones can be effective for transmitting healing energy. Heat treating or enhancing a crystal in a lab does change the vibration, but it does not eliminate or reduce the potential healing effect.


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