Mystic Dreamer AS
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Armbånd Karneol 8mm kulearmbånd

152,- 179,-

Tilbudet slutter 29.09.2024

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Armbånd Karneol 8mm kulearmbånd

Bracelet carnelian

vekker lidenskapen, gir ny livskraft, vitalitet, utholdenhet, motivasjon og entusiasme, bidrar til suksess i forretningslivet, døyver apati, lindrer smerte, styrker familiesamhold, beskytter mot ulykker og negative energier

chakra: hara

Carnelian is a powerful stone for those who want to increase their self-esteem and to convert creative ideas into actions. Transforms the habit of doubting into courage and decisiveness. Physically, carnelian has a positive effect on digestion, female reproductive organs, fertility, back, rheumatism, arthritis and depression.* 
* This information has not been scientifically proven; it is based on experiences of users and therapists. Any healing properties outlined are in no way meant to replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician.
Beads ±8mm.

Product specifications

Size cm 19
Material Gemstone



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