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jade - Canadisk A kvalitet XL


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jade - Canadisk A kvalitet XL



jade, Canadisk

kjærlighetssten, tiltrekker rikdom, hell og lykke, beskyttende, rensende, healende, balanserer følelsene, oppløser negative tanker, inspirerer til fred og ubetinget kjærlighet, skaper indre harmoni

chakra: hjerte


NB! Krystallene er naturlig, bildene er for ilustrasjon, størrelse, fasong og møster varierer. Bildet med mynt er bildet av de vi faktisk har inne pr i dag

NB! Poser til dine krystaller finner du her : Krystall poser og utstyr og bøker om krystaller finner du her: Krystallbøker

Jade - Tumbled Green Nephrite Jade (Canada) - This Tumbled Green Nephrite Jade has such a beautiful color that it is what we call "Extra" grade.  The "stone of fidelity," this tumbled Jade is wonderful for working with the Heart Chakra — balancing male and female energies, and helping with dysfunctional relationships.  Jade instills confidence, calms the nervous system and is a good stone for Libra.

This Tumbled Green Jade has a lovely healthful vibration.  It connects to the energy of the Earth, and can be used for connecting to life-force, and for building and maintaining a sense of well-being in all areas of life.  Although Jade is a Heart Chakra stone, it can be placed on the Third Eye Chakra for aid in dream work, during which new insights can be brought to the surface.  It's work with the Heart Chakra allows one to tune into other's feelings, to enhance self-confidence, and to bring wisdom into new situations.  

Green Jade is considered a stone of abundance, helping one to make a greater connection with the source.  This can make it a great stone for use in manifestation programs.  It also helps to bring the recognition and gratitude of the blessings that already exist in one's life.  Meditating with Green Jade can enhance the flow of abundance through one's life as well, by releasing blockages and helping one to recognize that the universe is unlimited and there is no lack.  

Physically, Green Jade is helpful to the heart and nervous system.  It also helps the body to absorb nutrients.  It's attribute of clearing blockages helps with the circulatory system also


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