Mystic Dreamer AS
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Middelaldersk Lykke Charm - Mot Svakhet i ånden og dålig selvføl


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Middelaldersk Lykke Charm - Mot Svakhet i ånden og dålig selvfølelse

Mot Svaghet i anden och dålig självkänsla

Against Frailty of Spirit and Self Doubt

This is a faithfully reproduced copy of an amulet from a Knight's Magickal belt housed in the Warsaw museum. This powerful amulet should be worn to guard against frailty of spirit and self doubt.
Size (cm): Diameter: 2,4

Star Charms

Faithfully reproduced from the Key of Solomon Talismans and Mediaeval Amulets in the Warsaw Museum, these unusual, extremely powerful brass and copper amulets and talismans work like self charging solar batteries and are constructed in a way which links them to the appropriate planetary force concerned for the intention. Each pendant comes in a nice paper packaging, with its own black cord necklace and a leaflet, explaining its meaning.


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