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Palm Reading for Beginners - Richard Webster

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Palm Reading for Beginners - Richard Webster

Find Your Future in the Palm of Your Hand


Palm reading is a lot easier than you may think. No cards, no coins, no charts of the planets-just a hand and the knowledge in this book. Whether your interest is serious or casual, Palm Reading for Beginners will open a world of insight into yourself, your friends, your family, and your future!

Announce in any gathering that you read palms and you will be flocked by people thrilled to show you their hands. When you are have finished Palm Reading for Beginners , you will be able to look at anyone's palm (including your own) and confidently and effectively tell them about their personality, love life, hidden talents, career options, prosperity, and health.


Trade Paperback | 9781567187915
English  |  240 pages | 5 x 8 x 1 IN
53¼16 x 8 , 264 pp. , illus.bibliog. , glossary

Richard Webster

Richard Webster was born and raised in New Zealand. He has been interested in the psychic world since he was nine years old. As a teenager, he became involved in hypnotism and later became a professional stage hypnotist. After school, he worked in the publishing business and purchased a bookstore. The concept of reincarnation played a significant role in his decision to become a past-life specialist. Richard has also taught psychic development classes, which are based on many of his books. 

Richard's first book was published in 1972, fulfilling a childhood dream of becoming an author. Richard is now the author of over a hundred books, and is still writing today. His best-selling books include Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians and Creative Visualization for Beginners. 

Richard has appeared on several radio and TV programs in the United States and abroad including guest spots on Hard Copy, WMAQ-TV (Chicago), KTLA-TV (Los Angeles), KSTW-TV (Seattle) and the Mike and Matty Show (ABC). He currently resides in New Zealand with his wife and three children. He regularly travels the world to give lectures, workshops and to continue his research.



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