Mystic Dreamer AS
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pyritt - krystall i eske

84,- 99,-

Tilbudet slutter 29.09.2024

pyritt - krystall i eske


symbol på penger, hell og lykke, styrker sinnet, løser fysiske og psykiske blokker-inger, bedrer hukommelsen, stimulerer til ideflyt, gir energi, hjelper oss til å sette grenser og gi slipp på selvundertrykkelse

chakra: rot
Fra Peru

NB! Krystallene er naturlig, bildene er for ilustrasjon, størrelse, fasong og møster varierer. Bildet med mynt er bildet av de vi faktisk har inne pr i dag

NB! Poser til dine krystaller finner du her : Krystall poser og utstyr og bøker om krystaller finner du her: Krystallbøker


Tumbled Pyrite - These are beautiful pieces of Pyrite that have been tumbled and polished.  These Pyrite Tumbles are the perfect size for body layouts and energy grids. For Pyrite lovers, this is a wonderful piece for your crystal collection.

Pyrite is a very protective stone, shielding the user from negative energy of all kinds. Pyrite blocks energy leaks and mends auric tears. Carry Pyrite in your pocket to protect you from both environmental pollution and physical danger.  Used on the Third Eye, Pyrite strengthens mental abilities and awareness of higher forms of knowledge.  Pyrite also promotes good physical health and emotional well-being.

Working with the Solar Plexus Chakra, Pyrite is helpful for those having trouble with will-power, anxiety, and/or commitment. Pyrite is often used in prosperity rituals, due to it's stimulating energies of manifestation. Pyrite can help to forge an energetic connection between the Root, Solar Plexus, and Third Eye Chakras, which helps to bring ideas from the higher self down through the seat of the will, and ground it into reality.

Pyrite is helpful for any type of infection and can purify the systems of the body.  Carry Pyrite in your pocket to protect you from environmental pollution, physical danger, and to bring a feeling of increased vitality during times of hard-work or stress. If you are feeling overworked lately with no end in sight, then Pyrite might be for you!


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