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Nøkkelring - Månesten Regnbue - Tumblestone Keyring - Rainbow Mo


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Nøkkelring - Månesten Regnbue - Tumblestone Keyring - Rainbow Moonstone

Disse nøkkelringene er laget av en polert tumblestone krystall, godt laget og glatt å ta på. Et nydelig tillegg til et sett med nøkler, spesielt hvis du ønsker å holde egenskapene og fordelene ved en krystall nær deg uansett hvor du er. De har en solid vekt, og hver er unik i form og farge. 

Størrelse på nøkkelring: Omtrent 2 - 2,5 cm på det lengste punktet av krystallen, og omtrent 1,5 - 2 cm cm i bredden på det bredeste punktet. (Vær oppmerksom på at størrelsen varierer mellom hver nøkkelring fordi de er et naturlig krystallprodukt.

Regnbuemånestenene i disse nøkkelringene er vanligvis hvite, noen vil ha noen mørke båndelementer til seg, men kvaliteten er alltid konstant

Mer om Regnbuemånesten

Regnbuemånesten er for det meste melkehvit, noen ganger med tydelige mørke områder, og noen krystaller har blåaktige sjateringere eller lysende refleksjon.

Månestenens delikate og moderlige energi fremmer bruken av intuisjon og magefølelse, i stedet for å stole kontinuerlig på intellektuell resonnement. Som sådan fungerer det som en form for energisk påminnelse om hvordan du har alle verktøyene til å veilede deg selv, hvis du bare prøver å slutte å bekymre deg for mye. I likhet med månen selv, bærer energien den også med en følelse av fornyelse og forestillingen om at livet er en kontinuerlig prosess med mange fødsler og mange dødsfall underveis. Den kan brukes som et verktøy for å hjelpe deg med å akseptere denne prosessen lettere, og kanskje til og med å ønske den velkommen, fordi hver død og resulterende fødsel gir deg større kunnskap om deg selv og verden du lever i.

These Rainbow Moonstone keyrings are made from a polished tumblestone crystal, well made and smooth to the touch. A lovely addition to a set of keys, particularly if you would like keep the properties and benefits of a crystal near to you wherever you go. They have a solid weight to them, and each is unique in shape and colour.

The Rainbow Moonstone in these keyrings are generally a white colour, some will have some white banded elements to them, but the quality is always constant. Take a look at some of the pictures above to see the type of variation there may be; we've tried to capture the different shades and types. If you have any particular request for the look or colour of the keyring you would like, please leave us a note in your extra instructions upon checking out and we'll do our best to pick one for you.

Size of Rainbow Moonstone Keyring: Approximately 2 - 2.5 cm at the longest point of the crystal, and roughly 1.5 - 2cm cm in width at the widest point. (Please note the sizing will vary between each keyring as they are a natural crystal product.

More About Moonstone
Moonstone is mostly milky white, sometimes with clear areas, and some pieces exhibit a bluey chatoyancy or luminous reflection.

The delicate and motherly energy of moonstone promotes the use of intuition and gut feelings, rather than relying constantly on intellectual reasoning. As such, it acts as a form of energetic reminder of how you have all the tools to guide yourself, if only you give them a try and stop worrying too much.

Like the moon itself, the energy also carries it with a sense of renewal and the notion that life is a continuing process with many births and many deaths along the way. It can be used as a tool to help you accept this process more readily, and maybe even to welcome it, because every death and resulting birth brings you greater knowledge of yourself and the world you live in.

More About the Symbol of the Moon
Throughout many traditions the sun represents the father and male principle and the moon the mother and feminine principle. The energy of the moon is intuitive, deep, subtle, feminine and psychic. To say this is a feminine energy does not mean to say this energy is just for women. Men and women have their female and male aspects. We all develop them both. 

The moon is also associated with clairvoyance and knowing without thinking. To use the energy of the moon does not involve conscious thought. So to wear or have around you the symbol of the moon is to state your universal intention to use your intuition, to simply go with what you feel and to know that to do this is for your greater good. 

The moon has different phases and throughout these phases it affects us in different ways. For example the full moon represents illumination, unconscious made conscious and all can be seen. The crescent moon symbolises new beginnings and the making of dreams into reality. Because of this cyclic nature the moon it is also connected to rebirth and how our true essence really is immortal.

NB! Bildet viser et utvalg, farger og mønstre kan variere. 


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